An ode to Kentucky...

Those who’ve spent time with me know that I was never meant to be in Kentucky for too long. 
Brought in as a fresh-faced student, I leave with my heart full, my worldview widened, and with meaningful relationships that transcend most standard constructs. For those who have been a part of this chapter of my life—thank you. 
Sadly, my time as Kentucky’s (corner-suite) kitten has come to a sweet close. And in standard disassociated-from-Kentucky Leyla-fashion, these pictures of me—featuring a bourbon I do not even like—were shot in the glorious, hustling city of Manhattan. 
Looking back, this move was inevitable. The heart wants what it wants and I am simply grateful to pursue such a dream. My relationship with Kentucky as a place is overwhelmingly complex—and perhaps a start to many new flourishing conversations. The beauty for me has always been the people I had the pleasure to meet, to love, to cherish. To those whom I am referring to: please, visit me! I would be most honored to flirt in this new anonymous city with you. 
New York: you have my heart. I am happy to be in your chaos. Cheers to new beginnings!