
The Envelope 

My envelope can be placed tableside upon meeting.

Should you feel inclined to tip me, I would beam with adoration!


Are we getting along famously? If we’re approaching the end of our scheduled time together, please bring it up. My extension rate begins at 1000 and cash is always my preference.

Hygiene & Health

I find the words “I’m about to freshen up” the most endearing. My suitors take care of themselves most charmingly for me.

For those who like a bit of direction, may I suggest showering at the beginning of our date or shortly prior to our meeting. Small courteous measures like brushing your teeth, using mouthwash, wearing deodorant, and washing your hands regularly is what makes a gentleman just that.

Please reschedule with me if you are feeling sick as our date approaches.

I do not engage in activities that put my health at risk. Please do not ask for things that will make me uncomfortable. 


Do you snore? Perhaps separate rooms is a comfortable option of good night’s rest:) 

If sharing the room…

Which I love to do with my favorites! A cold-temp room at night is perfect.

In the morning, I love a cup of hot tea as I wake up. As of now, my favorites are matcha, genmaicha green tea, oolong tea, and English black tea. 

Watch me endearingly mumble and bumble with tousled hair as my body perks up to my daily dose of caffeine. Feel free to catch up on your emails while I freshen up for our AM cuddles.

Please allow for an uninterrupted night of sleep. No one likes a sleep-deprived princess:( Generally, I am in bed by 10pm – Cinderella style – and up by 8 in the morning. 


The best way to reach me is via a brief, professional email. Maintaining boundaries is an essential element in sustaining the nature of our relationship. I do everything on my end to respect privacy and discretion needs, and in return I ask that your emails to me are kept brief & professional. 

For suitors with whom I have a very well-established rapport with, the occasional friendly email is welcome, though small gestures go a long way in showing good faith. I reserve texting for day-of communication only, and otherwise do not respond. As I have a fulfilling and busy life outside of the demimonde and am often on extended & travel dates, multiple emails can make me feel overwhelmed and unlikely to reply in the manner you desire. Gentle nudges are welcome for time-sensitive matters. 

Q's and A's


…shouldn’t get in the way of fun! Please let me know ahead of time and I am happy to accommodate. 

My Ethnicity

For discretion reasons, I do not publicly list my ethnicity. However, you are welcome to politely ask me about my culture during our date together.

Arriving Early

Errrrm, please don’t!



I only meet with whom I can confirm is a safe, professional person. 

Please know that everything sent to my email is for my eyes only—my reputation is my livelihood and I highly prize discretion (for both myself and for you).

My Links

Twitter – @leyla_amar

Instagram – @leyla_amar_

OnlyFans –

Consolidated links of everything I directly access: 



Peek through my essence in my slice of life blog.

Website Design

When I first launched my brand, I hired Erin Black from Black Ash Consulting to design my site! I highly recommend her. I’ve since learned the basics of website editing (what a learning curve!) & have overhauled my website to feel as a true extension of myself. I retain sole access and my site is hosted in the safe haven of Northern Europe.

Summer 2023 edit – rest assured that my website and ad copy have always and will continue to only be written by me.  I believe strongly in creating the boundaries between human-written vs. AI-generated content.

Outfit Request

Realllly casual – jeans and loafers

My go-to – tasteful dress or whatever mini skirt I’m in the mood for that day!

Business casual – blazer w/ just a long-enough skirt

Dressed up – venue appropriate outfit with the heels + purse to match

Friends List

For when I can’t be summoned by your side… a rather informal and non-exhaustive list of a few friends I’ve personally met in the industry and I vibe with (so, you probably will too!) 

Chelsea Harper – FMTY

Jessica Savoy – FMTY

Emma Graff  NYC

Alice Arden – NYC 

Cayce Marlowe – NYC

Natalia Belova  NYC

Serena Sahir – NYC

Émile James – Chicago

Mia L’Amour – Chicago

Rose Auclair – Chicago

Lyla Malone – Chicago

Camille Raye  Boston

Khloe Valentina – Miami

Nia Bolde – DC

Gabi Ashton  Orange County

Anabelle Scott – Los Angeles

Eva Loren  San Francisco

Harper Williams  Dallas

Lille Milk  Toronto

Sephra Grace – London

Q's and A's

Bitcoin is an excellent way to send funds anonymously, quickly, and discretely. Oh, and in large amounts…

  • –1– Set up a bitcoin wallet. I suggest using Coinbase. Verification of your information (ID, bank account info) may incur a waiting period. Think of a bitcoin ‘wallet’ like a bank account or a PayPal account.
  • –2– Deposit funds into your account (transfer USD from bank into BTC in wallet). Please note that there are small transaction fees associated with depositing USD and with withdrawing and sending bitcoin (BTC). There may also be a daily deposit limit. Please also be aware that Bitcoin is not yet a very stable form of currency (but worthwhile enough that many providers use it), so there may be slight fluctuations in the value of bitcoin from minute to minute and day to day. 
  • –3– Once the bitcoin is in your account, confirmed, and ready to send, you can send it to me. I have a unique wallet address that is a series of letters and numbers that you will copy/paste into your screen when you click “send bitcoin”. You *must* copy and paste my wallet address or use the QR code I send. Ask me for my wallet address whenever you are ready – I will give a fresh address. 

Within reason. If you have something specific in mind, please be prepared to send payment accompanying your request so I can best fulfill your vision!

For discretion reasons, I do not publicly list my ethnicity. However, you’re welcome to politely ask me about my culture during our date together!

When I first launched my brand in February 2021, I hired Erin Black from Black Ash Consulting to design my site! She helped me immensely, and I highly recommend her. I’ve since learned the basics of website-building and -editing (what a learning curve!) to tweak my website to feel as a true extension of myself. If my website loads a bit slower than expected, it is because of my extremely secure web hosting based in Europe. Safety and privacy is paramoiunt 🙂

Twitter – @leyla_amar

Instagram – @leyla_amar_

Consolidated links of everything I directly access: 

No OnlyFans at this time but I am quite fond of creating exclusive photoshoot looks!


For when I can’t be summoned by your side… a rather informal list of a few friends I’ve personally met in the industry and I vibe with (so, you probably will too!) 💕

Chelsea Harper – NYC + DC

Lara Breccia – NYC + Miami 

Stella Luna – NYC 

Emma Graff – NYC

Cayce Marlowe – NYC

Émile James – Chicago

Mia L’Amour – Chicago

Madeleine Blair – Charlotte

Camille Raye – Boston

Lille Milk – Toronto


Of course! I am disability-friendly and will do the best that I can to accommodate any accessibility needs (please let me know ahead of time).

Errrrm, please don’t!

It’s quite reasonable to be apprehensive about giving your personal information to someone you haven’t met yet. I sympathize. I also haven’t met you yet and need a way to verify that you are who you say you are and your internet presence confirms that you are a safe, professional person.

It puts me at great ease to know a little bit about you prior to meeting. I would hope you understand that helping your companion feel comfortable is wonderful etiquette and a great introduction to show who you are as a person! 

Please know that everything sent to my email is for my eyes only—my reputation is my livelihood and I highly prize discretion (on both ends).

Stay in touch!

Sign up for my mailing list for occasional updates, announcements, and more!


Leyla Amar is a luxury companion and high-end Washington D.C. escort.